Monday, April 21, 2014
Celebrating Three Huge Victories for Virginia Animals!
Remember Michael Vick's Disgusting Dog Fighting Ring? 7 Years later...
Remember Michael Vick’s Disgusting Dogfighting Ring? Well, 7 Years Later… Check this Out.
In 2007, a group of dogs were saved from organized torture in NFL player Michael Vick’s backyard. His dog fighting ring was liberated and he was put in jail for his atrocities.
Many people believed that the dogs found at his house weren’t fit to live in homes, because of their killer instincts. That just isn’t true, and the Best Friends Animal Society agrees. They took in 22 dogs, which became known as “Vicktory Dogs.” They were saved from that horrible place… and found loving, amazing homes. They found ‘victory’ in love.
Here are their stories.
Those rescued pooches proved everyone wrong. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary took in 22 dogs and set out to prove that these dogs could be turned around.

1.) Cherry: Cherry used to fight, but now he attends events and helps other abused animals rehabilitate. He was on “Dogtown” and transformed from a tough dog into a lover, friends with everyone he meets.

2.) Georgia: This dog surprised her new mom, Amy, when she brought her into the home. Amy didn’t know just how quickly Georgia would adapt to a loving, domesticated life. Georgia passed away in 2013.

3.) Halle: No one should give up on rescued dogs just because of their past. Halle now lives with two dog brothers and constantly plays with them. She wags her tail, frolics and “play fights” – all without incident. She is truly a lovely dog.

4.) Handsome Dan: When Dan was first rescued, he was very skittish and fearful. Now, he is warm and trusting. He even acts as a perfectly behaved babysitter for his human baby sister, who arrived in 2010. Not many people realize how loving pit bulls can be.

5.) Little Red: For 5 years, Little Red was used as a “bait dog.” “Bait” animals are used to test a dog’s fighting skills, and are frequently mauled in the process. Once Red was rescued, it took her a while to recover… and now she is blissfully happy.

6.) Oliver: When this dog was brought home, he had no fear. He was so willing to let his new family love him, even though in his original evaluation it was said that he was very fearful of people. Oliver would jump on his mom Erika’s lap and shower her with kisses.

7.) Squeaker: Even though Squeaker was involved in a vicious dog fighting ring, you’d never know it. Now, she lovingly lives with her family and 6 additional dogs, who all get along together.

8.) Mel: Mel’s new dad, Richard Hunter, was a radio show host in Dallas back in 2007. He reported on the dog fighting ring and eventually became emotionally attached to the animals. When he had an opportunity to adopt one of the animals, he jumped at the chance and went to the Best Friends sanctuary in Utah. Now, Mel and Richard live happily together.

9.) Oscar: Oscar’s mom, Rachel, didn’t mean to adopt a Vicktory dog, she just wanted a pit bull. But adopting Oscar was one of the best decisions she made. She not only gave him a new home, but supports other rescued dogs by interacting with the community.

Help the ASPCA raise dog fighting awareness by sharing this article. No dogs are “natural killers,” with vicious instincts. Humans teach them those barbaric behaviors… and humans can put an end to it.
Source: Best Friends Animal Society / (H/T The Bark Post)
Dogs are meant to be loved in forever homes, not treated like dirt. Please share this with others.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
How can I stop my dog from jumping the fence and running away?
How can I stop my dog jumping the fence and running
Dogs jump fences for many different reasons such as:
• He sees an animal or something else that he feels compelled to chase.
• The dog sees a friendly person or dog she'd like to meet.
Perhaps your dog is bored and looking for something to do, or looking for you. Some dogs can suffer from separation anxiety
• A dog could find it frightening to be left alone in a yard.
• A dog might learn to associate the yard with anxiety, fear or loneliness.
• Dogs can also wander to search for mates so it is important to talk to your vet about spaying and neutering.
• Sometimes dogs can hear things on the other side of the fence and jump over to investigate.
It's very important to work out the underlying cause for the jumping.
Knowing why a dog is jumping over a fence is the first step to addressing the issue.
Make sure all of your dog's physical, social and behavioral needs are being met.
Is your dog is getting enough daily physical exercise? It's important to provide daily exercise such as going for a walk and/or visiting a park. This also provides your dog with new and interesting smells and environments in which to seek and explore.
Are they receiving enough daily attention and social company?
Does your dog have environmental enrichment?
Does your dog have safe dog toys to play with?
If your dog likes to dig, do they have a designated digging area?
Do they have food, water and shelter and a comfortable sleeping area?
Do they have access to a toilet area?
Does your dog suffer from separation anxiety? You should talk to your vet for advice.
How long is your dog left on their own? If a dog is left for long periods alone this can lead to boredom and frustration which can then lead to wandering and jumping. It's important to minimize the time left alone in the yard. Try organizing for a dog walk in the middle of the day to break up the time period in the yard.
Is your dog fixed? Unfixed dogs are more likely to wander in order to find a mate to breed with so talk to your vet about spay and neuter.
If you are in the yard with your dog it is unlikely they will try to jump the fence while you are there as they usually prefer to stay with you. However if your dog looks interested in jumping, catch their attention by calling them or grabbing their favorite toy or tasty food treat. When your dog responds to you and comes towards you, always reward them for this. Continue to reward them when they move away from the fence and come towards you.
In addition to ensuring all of your dogs needs are being met and ruling out other underlying causes for jumping such as separation anxiety or searching for mates to breed with, here are a few suggestions to prevent your dog even being able to jump the fence.
Use PVC plastic piping or large rubber tubes, at least 5 to 6 inches in diameter, cut lengthwise down the centre. Place them along the top of your fence. This makes a curved, slippery surface that a dog cannot get a grip on to get over the top of the fence.
Alternatively, place a small diameter PVC pipe inside a larger diameter pipe and hang these on a cable I suspended above the fence to create a roller bar which a dogs paws cannot hold onto.
Erect a shorter, interior fence two or three feet from the outside fence, preventing him from getting a running start. Plant shrubs a couple feet from the inside of the fence, again breaking that running start.
• Place "cat netting" along the fence at an angle so that your dog cannot get a foothold on the fence.
Article ID: 14
Last updated: 11 Feb, 2014
Companion animals -> Dogs -> Behavior -> How can I stop my dog jumping the fence and running away?
Dogs jump fences for many different reasons such as:
• He sees an animal or something else that he feels compelled to chase.
• The dog sees a friendly person or dog she'd like to meet.
Perhaps your dog is bored and looking for something to do, or looking for you. Some dogs can suffer from separation anxiety
• A dog could find it frightening to be left alone in a yard.
• A dog might learn to associate the yard with anxiety, fear or loneliness.
• Dogs can also wander to search for mates so it is important to talk to your vet about spaying and neutering.
• Sometimes dogs can hear things on the other side of the fence and jump over to investigate.
It's very important to work out the underlying cause for the jumping.
Knowing why a dog is jumping over a fence is the first step to addressing the issue.
Make sure all of your dog's physical, social and behavioral needs are being met.
Is your dog is getting enough daily physical exercise? It's important to provide daily exercise such as going for a walk and/or visiting a park. This also provides your dog with new and interesting smells and environments in which to seek and explore.
Are they receiving enough daily attention and social company?
Does your dog have environmental enrichment?
Does your dog have safe dog toys to play with?
If your dog likes to dig, do they have a designated digging area?
Do they have food, water and shelter and a comfortable sleeping area?
Do they have access to a toilet area?
Does your dog suffer from separation anxiety? You should talk to your vet for advice.
How long is your dog left on their own? If a dog is left for long periods alone this can lead to boredom and frustration which can then lead to wandering and jumping. It's important to minimize the time left alone in the yard. Try organizing for a dog walk in the middle of the day to break up the time period in the yard.
Is your dog fixed? Unfixed dogs are more likely to wander in order to find a mate to breed with so talk to your vet about spay and neuter.
If you are in the yard with your dog it is unlikely they will try to jump the fence while you are there as they usually prefer to stay with you. However if your dog looks interested in jumping, catch their attention by calling them or grabbing their favorite toy or tasty food treat. When your dog responds to you and comes towards you, always reward them for this. Continue to reward them when they move away from the fence and come towards you.
In addition to ensuring all of your dogs needs are being met and ruling out other underlying causes for jumping such as separation anxiety or searching for mates to breed with, here are a few suggestions to prevent your dog even being able to jump the fence.
Use PVC plastic piping or large rubber tubes, at least 5 to 6 inches in diameter, cut lengthwise down the centre. Place them along the top of your fence. This makes a curved, slippery surface that a dog cannot get a grip on to get over the top of the fence.
Alternatively, place a small diameter PVC pipe inside a larger diameter pipe and hang these on a cable I suspended above the fence to create a roller bar which a dogs paws cannot hold onto.
Erect a shorter, interior fence two or three feet from the outside fence, preventing him from getting a running start. Plant shrubs a couple feet from the inside of the fence, again breaking that running start.
• Place "cat netting" along the fence at an angle so that your dog cannot get a foothold on the fence.
Article ID: 14
Last updated: 11 Feb, 2014
Companion animals -> Dogs -> Behavior -> How can I stop my dog jumping the fence and running away?
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